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Pandemic Preparedness
A pandemic is an epidemic of a disease that has spread across a large region, usually crossing international boundaries and affecting a large number of people. For many years the most common disease referenced as a pandemic is an influenza pandemic. However, pandemics can happen with other types of diseases as well. The information provided here, while often referencing an influenza pandemic, is generally applicable to all types of pandemic outbreaks. Key to preparing for and responding to a pandemic is paying close attention to advisories and guidance from public health agencies, such as the Centers for Disease Control and the Florida Department of Health.
Strategy for Pandemic Influenza
COVID-19 Information and Resources
The 2019 Novel Coronavirus, named COVID-19, was first identified in China and has since spread to other countries. Below is information and links regarding COVID-19. For the most up-to-date information on the status of COVID-19 as it pertains to Florida, please refer to the Florida Department of Health, linked below.
- Florida State Courts COVID-19 Bulletin (March 4, 2020)
- Florida Department of Health’s COVID-19 Website
- Centers for Disease Control
- World Health Organization
Take 3 Important Steps to Fight the Seasonal Flu
Additional Information
- Pandemic Staffing Guide (March 6, 2020)
- Administrative Order, AOSC09-20, In Re: Response of the Florida State Courts System to Influenza A(H1N1)
- Pandemic Influenza Benchguide
- Pandemic Influenza Best Practices
- Pandemic Influenza Planning Template
- National Center For State Courts Pandemic Preparedness Resources